Now a days every college student has to face challenges and have to work on the difficulties to move on. The common things that cases stress in students life are: overload of studies, not getting time foe extra-curriculum activities, or not to have enough time to look on the personal things. Although, these things too make international students’ life stressful, there are plenty of other things on which international students have to work on or we can say he or she has to go through.
The most difficult part of international student’s life is change in circumstances. When student moves from one country to another, he has to deal with change in weather, change in lifestyle and even the people surrounding him. Sometimes if student has to go the country of different culture, he might have to change his eating habits, working habits and even language sometimes; and the most difficult part in doing so is that he has to do it by himself without anyone’s help. Also, while changing himself, his concentration on studies and his grades should not be lower.
The students, who leave their country for under graduation, do have to suffer from homesickness. They have to stay away from their family for at least five years. During this period, they miss all the small small events and festivals from their home country. Again in this situation they sick for the sort of support and in it may lead some students to engage in to the relationships and dating which again makes them tensed and stressful. They always be in stress to reach the expectations of their partner, sometimes they get into break-ups and that leads them in weakness in health and ignorance on studies.
Apart from all these personal problems, students who live in dorms, have to deal with the roommate from another country, another culture. Even if the student is living off campus, it’s always been problem to live with the person he or she never met before. Everyone’s nature is different. If some quite person got to room with the party type person, then he always have to bare the noise over night times and weekends. Some friends may also lead the student towards bad habits such as smoking, drinking and clubbing.
Most of the students living apart from the family like to earn money for their living expenses. So, here comes the difficulty in finding a part time job, saving money, limit their shopping expenses and sometimes have to wait for the things they need. While doing a part time job, it is really difficult to study during the mid-terms and finals. At most of times, even good time manager cannot find a time without any stress.
Till the high school level, teachers and parents makes student to study hard; but after that student has to be responsible for all the homework, assignments and quizzes. There is no one to tell him to study accordingly. All of sudden student has to recognize the value of the studies. He has to study the subjects which are not of his interest and also have to get good grades in those to maintain the overall GPA. Have seen most of the students of music and theater major students struggling for math subject and students of math major have to take the composition subjects even if it has no importance in their profession.
After facing all these challenges in the college life, students are also suppose to have a tension in getting internship and job in their last semester. Even though, student is practically talented person, people will see the experience and overall background of student. It is almost impossible for an international student to get an internship and so the job because of no experience in previous life. This gives more tension to the student if he is the eldest or only one in the family.
Sealing with all these stress and changing student’s own personality kills the time of the student that he is unable to attend the events and secure his extra-curriculum activities. Today, most of the international students will agree that they have to give up their personal lives to built up their career goals and to reach the high point as much as they can.