Ring Ring
Boy: Hello
(Call Enden)
Ring Ring
Boy: Hello
Girl: Hello, How are you?
Boy: What Happened?
Girl: Nothing, just thought of talking to you after so many months!
Boy: Ok, I'm busy, Call You Later!!!
Girl: No need to lie, I know you wont!
(Hang Up)
Girl(Text): I was so happy today...So thought of talking to you to convert my happiness to normal mood...Thank You!
Boy(Test): I'm glad too!
Girl(Text): Glad for what? For making me disappointed? By the way, I don't know it's a good news or bad news for you but I got a prize.
Boy: I am not a devil to make people sad. Its proud that you got it...You deserve it... Hartley, congrats....
wawawa... kiti chan lihtes g tu....
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